真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院


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和英ことわざ集・REVIEW (4)



1. 「地震で被害にあった人たちの助けになることはできる限りのことをしてあげよう」「賛成、己の欲するところを人に施せというものね」
“Let's do all we can to help the victims of the earthquake.” “I agree. You should do unto o....... as you would have them do onto you.” (SAEJD)

2. 彼の両親はもう二度と万引き事件のことにふれなかった。寝た子は起こさないのが一番と考えたのだろう。
His parents never referred to the shoplifting incident again. I suppose they thought it best to let sleeping d...... lie. (CALD)

3. 「コンピューターの勉強なんて、この年になって今さら無理だよ。老犬に新しい芸当は教えられない、って言うだろう」とポールは言った。
“I'm too old to learn about computer now,” said Paul. “You cannot teach an old dog new t.......” (SAEJD)

4. 銀行はお金を貸してくれないと思うけど、おぼれる者はわらにもすがらなきゃね。
I don't think that the bank will lend me the money, but a drowning man must c...... at straws. (SAEJD)

5. 医者は禁煙するように言うけれど、それは「言うは易く行なうは難し」というものだ。
The doctor says I should stop smoking but that's easier said than d....... (CALD)

6. 「エドは遺産相続で大金がころがり込んだけど、今じゃ一文なしだよ」「ああ、得やすいものは失いやすいということだね」
“Ed inherited a lot of money but now he's penniless.” “Well, easy c......, easy g.......” (SAEJD)

7. もし投資をするつもりなら、ぼくからのアドバイスは1つに集中して投資をするなということかな。
If you're going to invest the money, my advice would be don't put all your e...... in one basket. (CALD)

8. 残念ながら、ゴルフコースのスペースを確保するためには森林を切り倒さなければならないだろうが、目的が手段を正当化することもあると思う。
Unfortunately, we'll have to cut down the forest to make space for the golf course, but I feel the e...... justifies the m....... (CALD)

9. 失敗したからって彼女を責めないで。だれだってやるじゃない。あやまちは人の常よ。
Don't blame her for making mistakes. We all make them. To err is h....... (SAEJD)

10. 車のタイヤの空気を抜いたあいつに仕返ししてやる。「目には目を」だ。
I'm going to get even with him for letting the air out of my car tires. An eye f...... an eye. (SAEJD)


1. “Let's do all we can to help the victims of the earthquake.” “I agree. You should do unto others as you would have them do onto you.”

2. His parents never referred to the shoplifting incident again. I suppose they thought it best to let sleeping dogs lie.

3. “I'm too old to learn about computer now,” said Paul. “You cannot teach an old dog new tricks.”

4. I don't think that the bank will lend me the money, but a drowning man must clutch at straws.
*「わらにもすがる」は catch [grasp, snatch] at straws とも言います。

5. The doctor says I should stop smoking but that's easier said than done.

6. “Ed inherited a lot of money but now he's penniless.” “Well, easy come, easy goes.”

7. If you're going to invest the money, my advice would be don't put all your eggs in one basket.

8. Unfortunately, we'll have to cut down the forest to make space for the golf course, but I feel the end justifies the means.

9. Don't blame her for making mistakes. We all make them. To err is human.
To err is human, to forgive is divine. がフルセンテンスですが、会話では to forgive is divine は言わないことが多いです。

10. I'm going to get even with him for letting the air out of my car tires. An eye for an eye.
An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. がフルセンテンス。

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