真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院


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和英ことわざ集・REVIEW (9)



1. ジムはガキ大将で、たくさんの男の子が彼を見習っている。ジムは、いわば「(たるの中の)腐ったリンゴ」だ。
Jim is a bully, and a lot of guys follow his example. He is the r...... apple (in the barrel). (SAEJD)

2. 汚職政治家の生活信条は「そちらがこちらの願いをかなえてくれればこちらもそちらの願いをかなえましょう」というものだ。
Corrupt politicians live by the proverb : “You scratch my b......, and I'll scratch yours.” (SAEJD)

3. 「ボンドさんはすばらしいロック・クライマーになったよ」「ほんとう?この目で見たら信じるけどね」
“Mr. Bond has become an excellent rock climber.” “Really? S...... is believing.” (SAEJD)

4. 「上司は私がセールスに向いていないって言うんだ」「そうね。自分で思い当たるんなら従いなさいよ」
“My boss told me I wasn't cut out for sales.” “Well, if the s...... fits, wear it.” (SAEJD)

5. 最初はわからなくても心配いらないよ。やめないで続けなさい。ゆっくりと着実なのが競走に勝つと言うからね。
Don't worry if you don't understand at first. Keep trying. Slow and s...... wins the race. (SAEJD)

6. テッドの両親は彼をきわめて厳格に育てた。むちを惜しめば子はだめになると信じていたからだ。
Ted's parents raised him very strictly. They believed that if they s...... the rod they would spoil the child. (SAEJD)

7. 夜遅くまでかかっても仕事を仕上げるべきだということはわかっているんだ。心熱けれど肉体は弱しというところでね。
I know I should stay up and finish my work. The spirit is w...... but the flesh is weak. (SAEJD)

8. 「ジョージって、退屈ね」「静かで思慮深い男なのさ。流れの静かな川は水が深いって言うだろう」
“I think George is boring.” “He's a quiet, thoughtful man. S...... waters run deep.” (SAEJD)

9. 「うちの家の土台、大きな地震に耐えられるように補強しておいたほうがいいと思うな」「そうね。早めの対策は事が大きくなるのを防ぐからね」
“I think we should strengthen the foundation of our house so they can withstand a large earthquake.” “I agree. A s...... in time saves nine.” (SAEJD)

10. あの会社がきみのところの製品に興味をもっているんだから、コンタクトをとってみるべきだよ。好機逸すべからずって言うだろう。
You should contact that company now that they're interested in your product. Strike while the i...... is hot. (SAEJD)


1. Jim is a bully, and a lot of guys follow his example. He is the rotten apple (in the barrel).

2. Corrupt politicians live by the proverb : “You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.”

3. “Mr. Bond has become an excellent rock climber.” “Really? Seeing is believing.”

4. “My boss told me I wasn't cut out for sales.” “Well, if the shoe fits, wear it.”

5. Don't worry if you don't understand at first. Keep trying. Slow and steady wins the race.

6. Ted's parents raised him very strictly. They believed that if they spared the rod they would spoil the child.

7. I know I should stay up and finish my work. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

8. “I think George is boring.” “He's a quiet, thoughtful man. Still waters run deep.”

9. “I think we should strengthen the foundation of our house so they can withstand a large earthquake.” “I agree. A stitch in time saves nine.”

10. You should contact that company now that they're interested in your product. Strike while the iron is hot.

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