真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院


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現代世界の英語−政治 (9)


automatic recess
recess: a period of time in the year when the members of a parliament are not meeting - CALD

dissolution (of the House of Representatives)
dissolution < dissolve: to end an official organization or a legal arrangement - CALD
The president announced the dissolution of the National Assembly. - LDCE

vote of confidence
vote of confidence: a formal process in which people vote in order to show that they support someone or something, especially the government - LDCE
On April 19 the new government won a vote of confidence by 339 votes to 207. - LDCE

信任案 confidence motion

vote of nonconfidence [no-confidence]
vote of no confidence: a formal process in which people vote in order to show that they do not support someone or something, especially the government - LDCE
On April 22 the National Assembly passed a vote of no confidence in the government. - LDCE

不信任案 nonconfidence [no-confidence] motion

the Steering Committee
steering committee: a group of people who are chosen to direct the way something is dealt with - CALD
衆議院運営委員会 the Lower House Steering Committee

standing committee
Standing Committee: a committee of members in the British Parliament or in the US House of Representatives, whose purpose is to examine a bill (=new law that has been suggested) and to consider whether it needs any changes - LDCE

special [ad hoc] committee
ad hoc: not planned, but arranged or done only when necessary - LDCE
We deal with problems on an ad hoc basis (= as they happen). - CALD

select committee
select committee: a small group of politicians and advisers from various parties that has been chosen to examine a particular subject - LDCE
She is a member of the Commons Select Committee on education. - CALD

subcommittee: a small group formed from a committee to deal with a particular subject in more detail - LDCE
Several subcommittees will be set up to deal with specific environmental issues. - CALD

(public) hearing
hearing: a meeting of a court or special committee to find out the facts about a case - LDCE
A disciplinary hearing will examine charges of serious professional misconduct against three surgeons. - CALD

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