真剣に学習する人のみ募集 スパルタ英語・英会話のNCC綜合英語学院


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あ行 (1)

⇒自分は何の努力もせず、あるものに頼ってゆうゆうと構えている rest on one's laurels
英英定義 to be satisfied with what you have achieved and therefore stop trying to achieve anything new
例文 Just because you've got your degree doesn't mean you can rest on your laurels. (CALD)

⇒調子づいて、やりすぎたり、仕損じたりすること overplay one's hand
英英定義 to behave too confidently because you think you are in a stronger position than you actually are
例文 The unions overplayed their hand in the end and failed to get the pay rise they wanted. (LDCE)

⇒容易に人に知らせない、とっておきの策 an ace in the hole = an ace up one's sleeve / secret weapon
・英英定義 an ace in the hole = an ace up one's sleeve: secret knowledge or a secret skill which will give you an advantage
例文 The local team has an ace in the hole with their new player. (CALD)
・英英定義 secret weapon: something or someone that no one knows about and that will give you an advantage over your competitors or enemies
例文 Johann was the bank robbers' secret weapon - he knew the secrets of the alarm system. (CALD)
■ 他に have something up one's sleeve を用いることもできます。
英英定義 to have secret plans or ideas
"an ace in the hole"の解説を読む

⇒思っていることをはっきりと言わない mealy-mouthed / beat around the bush
・英英定義 mealy-mouthed: not brave enough to say what you mean directly and honestly
例文 mealy-mouthed excuses / a mealy-mouthed spokesperson (CALD)
・英英定義 beat around the bush: to avoid talking about what is important
例文 Don't beat around the bush - get to the point! (CALD)
"beat around the bush"の解説を読む

throw up one's hands
英英定義 to do something that shows you think something is not good but feel you cannot do anything to change it
例文 Ted threw up his hands in disgust. 'Can't you make her change her mind?' he asked. (LDCE)

⇒得意とするもの be right up somebody's alley / be in somebody's line
・英英定義 be right up somebody's alley: to be the type of thing that someone is interested in or that they enjoy doing
例文 Kate loves dancing, so salsa lessons would be right up her alley. (CALD)
・英英定義 be in somebody's line: to be the type of thing that someone is interested in or good at
例文 Acting's not really in my line, I'm afraid. (LDCE)

⇒相手が手加減してやさしく扱ってくれるさま Don't be too hard on me.
英英定義 be hard on somebody: to criticize someone severely, or to treat them unfairly
例文 Don't be too hard on him - he's new to the job. (CALD)
go easy を用いて I hope you'll go easy on me. とすることもできます。
英英定義 go easy: to treat someone in a gentle way and not criticize them or punish them

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