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英作文練習:総復習 (14)


1. 本棚が置けないから机を右へ動かそう。

Since there's no room [space] for the bookcase, let's move the desk to the right.

2. T大学に受かるとはずいぶん勉強したんでしょうね。

You must have studied very hard to pass the entrance exam for T University.

3. 世界には暴力に訴えて物事を解決しようとする人もいる。
There's nothing to do but resort to the law if you won't agree.
(もし同意しなければ法的手段に訴えるしかない)- LPJED

Some people in the world try to settle matters by resorting to violence.

4. 世の中の変化が速すぎてとてもついていけない。
I have to study hard to keep up with the other students.
(他の生徒についてゆくために一生懸命に勉強しなければならない)- LPEJD

The world is changing so fast that I can't keep up with it.

5. 子供を私立大学にやるにはうんとお金がかかる
必要な金額を表す It 構文を活用します。
I can't afford to send my children to college.
(私は子供を大学にやる余裕がない)- LPJED

It coats a lot of money to send your child to a private university.

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