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現代世界の英語−経済 (8)


free trade principle
free trade: international buying and selling of goods, without limits on the amount of goods that one country can sell to another, and without special taxes on the goods bought from a foreign country - CALD
自由貿易協定 Free Trade Agreement, FTA
経済連携協定 economic partnership agreement, EPA

(trade) protectionism
protectionism: the actions of a government to help its country's trade or industry by taxing goods bought from other countries - CALD
管理貿易 managed trade

merchandise trade, visible trade
merchandise: goods that are bought and sold - CALD
Japan exported $117 billion in merchandise to the US in 1999. - CALD

invisible trade
invisible: describes money that is added to a country's economy by activities such as the service and financial industries rather than the production of goods in factories - CALD
Tourism brings in 40% of the island's invisible earnings. - CALD

one-way [one-sided, lopsided] trade
lopsided: unequal or uneven, especially in an unfair way - LDCE
相互貿易 two-way trade

multilateral trade
multilateral: involving several different countries or groups - LDCE
Seven countries are taking part in the multilateral talks. - CALD

三角[仲介] 貿易
triangular [intermediary] trade
triangular: involving three people or teams - LDCE
intermediary: a person or organization that tries to help two other people or groups to agree with each other - LDCE
The former president has agreed to act as an intermediary between the government and the rebels. - CALD

barter trade
barter: a system of exchanging goods and services for other goods and services rather than using money - LDCE

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