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現代世界の英語−政治 (3)


(political) power, government, administration, regime
power: the position of having political control of a country or government - LDCE
government: the group of people who officially control a country - CALD
administration: the government of a country at a particular time - LDCE
regime: a government, especially one that was not elected fairly or that you disapprove of for some other reason - LDCE
De Gaulle came to power in 1958. - LDCE
How long has the Conservative Party been in power? - LDCE

power struggle [scramble]
power struggle: a fierce, unpleasant or violent competition for power - CALD
scramble: a situation in which people compete with and push each other in order to get what they want - LDCE
Clearly there will be a power struggle within the party. - CALD
After the death of the dictator there was an unseemly scramble for power among the generals. - CALD

change of power [government], regime change
regime change: a change in the government of a country that happens because another country forces that government out of power - LDCE

conservative government
conservative: tending not to like or trust change, especially sudden change - CALD

progressive [reformist] government
progressive: supporting new or modern ideas and methods, especially in politics and education - LDCE
reformist: wanting to change systems or situations, especially in politics - LDCE
The left of the party is pressing for a more progressive social policy. - CALD

centrist [middle-of-the-road] government
centrist: having political beliefs that are not extreme - LDCE
middle-of-the-way: describes a person, organization, opinion or type of entertainment that is not extreme and is acceptable to or liked by most people - CALD
They adopted a sensible, middle-of-the-road policy on defense spending. - CALD

single-party government [administration]

minority government
minority government: a government that does not have enough politicians in a parliament to control parliament and take decisions without the support of other parties - LDCE

coalition government
coalition: a union of two or more political parties that allows them to form a government or fight an election together - LDCE
A coalition government will now be established. - LDCE

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